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St. Albans, WV

Welcoming accommodations are with First Presbyterian Church, St. Albans where there are 18 cots, four showers, fully equipped kitchen and plenty of activity space. WVMAW is partnering with St. Paul's Missionary Baptist Church and the Hezekiah House for much needed finishing for a place of recovery.

The Hezekiah House will offer support to those in recovery from alcohol or drug abuse aftercare. Groups will work with the Pastor of St. Paul's and the Elder of the First Presbyterian Church as they lead and teach groups to help finish the home. Also groups will work in the community to build ramps and make repairs for families in need.

St. Albans is located outside of the state capitol of Charleston offering many tourist opportunities of the capitol, the Clay Center and art centers, Kanawha State Forest, and Appalachian Power Park in baseball season. Nearby in St. Albans many have enjoyed the Coal River where there are kayak rentals and hiking trails.